Friday, March 16, 2007

GNOME 2.18 and MP3?

Yesterday I blogged about the new GNOME release.
One of the things I found a bit odd while reading the release notes was this sentence:
Encode your audio in more formats including OGG, MP3 or even AAC!
This made me think that MP3 and AAC support would be in the new GNOME. Well I just ignored it and thought it was some kind of marketing trick I didn't understand.

Today I downloaded the Demo Live CD to try the new GNOME. When I was using it and browsing some network share I came across some MP3s. I just couldn't resist and double-clicked one of them. (Well actually right-clicked it and opened it in Totem since Banshee which is using Mono wouldn't start under the Live CD.)

To come to the point, when Totem started all of a sudden sound was coming out of my speakers. And I was flabbergasted. Did I miss something somewhere or does GNOME have MP3 support by default these days?

Ubuntu new release new website

On April 19th the new Ubuntu will be released. It will be dubbed Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn. The first real beta is going to be released on March 22nd.

Just before Dapper was launched the Ubuntu website was updated, and today I noticed it has been updated again. And it's a real improvement.
What I like are the two button in the center, nothing else just two buttons "Desktop" and "Server". Also the small menu on the left side is simple, clear and easy. Thumbs up.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

GNOME 2.18 released

A new release of the GNOME desktop environment is out.
This time it's version 2.18, and as always it looks really great.

Have a look at the GNOME 2.18 page or jump directly to the GNOME 2.18 Release Notes (English).

Monday, March 05, 2007

Voor degene die de betekenis niet kent

sa·men (bw.)
1 bij elkaar => bijeen, saampjes, tezamen
2 met elkaar
3 onderling
4 bij elkaar gerekend
sa·men·wer·ken (onov.ww.)
1 gemeenschappelijk aan eenzelfde taak werken => coƶpereren, samendoen

Bron: Van Dale