Friday, March 31, 2006


Moodle is a free, OpenSource course management system for online learning.
Yesterday at the Löss seminar at my school I heard about the project for the first time.
(For some reason I always mentally picture a noodle eating cow when hearing the name "Moodle", probably just me.)

At my school (Hogeschool Zuyd) we have a semilar system called Blackboard which is propriatary software. The seminar yesterday got me interested and so I went on a journey today to see what this OpenSource alternative had to offer. Mainly because teachers as well as students at my school are often complaining about Blackboard.

And WOW, does this "noodle eating cow" look great. I have only played with the online demo for an hour now. After that the demo was resetted. Lucky for me I made a backup of the created course and could easily restore it after the reset. I loved what I saw, great functionality. A clean and clear interface, which however could be improved on some minor points I discovered during this one hour session.

After a while I discovered it is translated in Dutch (and many other languages for that matter) too. This is surely a great topic to make and hold a presentation about at our school one day on behalf of the HSZLUUG.

I will keep you updated on the subject.

(Thanks go out to the Löss for letting me know about this project and for letting me participate in the seminar for free.)


Anonymous said...

Volgens mij hebben een groep studenten dit al op de proef genomen. Tenminste, ik dacht dat dat moodle was.

Een tijdje geleden had een CMD klas waar een maat van me bij zat de opdracht gekregen een live show te geven in de centrale hal van hszuyd heerlen, en daar hadden ze het er even over.

lgespee said...

Aha, dat wist ik niet, maar nonetheless geen reden om niet nog een keer een degelijke presentatie over dit project te houden.

Bedankt voor je reactie.

Anonymous said...

Ik was eigenlijk not impressed by moodle.

lgespee said...

Hey Spacey,

Als onze eigen Ubuntu-NL edu expert.
Gaarne een stukje argumentering bij je mening aub. ;)